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Special Gathering in Pitch Choir's Concert

On Monday (May 23, 2016) I had an appointment to meet-up with one of the great woman I've ever known. She's Rina Delfianti's mother. How busy I was, it's one thing that I'd to make it. So, before teaching I rang up her to know where she was and said that she had arrived in Makassar. Then, I say "YES, I'd be there after teaching."

Besides, she asked me about Ridel's concert. Would I join or not. I said that I didn't have any ticket. If there's one, why not?

When I was on duty, giving lecture to students, she rang up me. She informed that there's a ticket for me. She convinced me to join. Then, I said "YES", I'd come.

After teaching, I directly went to Ridel's aunt house in Tabaria, in which her mother asked me to go. I arrived several minutes after magrib. Not only Ridel's mother, but also Ridel's father, bother and sister's in-law. There's also Fian and Awal. I greeted them all.

Due to their kind-hearted, when I sad that I was fasting and asking for water to breaking my fasting, they gave me much. Not only water but also beakfasting menu.After having a meal, we went to Phinisi Building together by car. We arrived and went up upstairs on the third floor, Theater Ballroom. Yeah, that's the place in which the Pitch Choir concert was hold.

Before entering the room, I saw, greeted and shakinghand with Ridel and her bestfriend, Eliz. Both were full make-up and ready to perform. She gave a ticket and asked me to come in the ballroom because the gate had opened.

We went upstairs and made a line. Hmm,,,like a star live concert, we had to make a line to come in. After the committee took our ticket and stamped our hand as signed viewer, we came to the theater room and sat in the second row on the right side.

Concert began several minutes after we sat down by showing us Pitch Choir's journey story. It was more about the member's activities in its existence. They had joined some national and international competition and being the best. And, this year, they'll join international competition again in Bali and Thailand. Besides, it also showed us about BTS of the concert.

After showing us their story, there's a performance of the best choir that they had found on their tour concert before in some cities of South Sulawei. They sang "Bahasa Kalbu". 

By the end of the performance, the master of ceremony opened the concert officially which followed by report of the Production Head and  welcoming statement by Pitcth Choir founder and the Head of P2BSE Lemlit UNM.

As I saw, the concert was made in something like Drama Musical. But, it was about culture (folklore) and music, so I preferred to call it as Folklore Musical.

At the beginning, I thought that it wasn't interesting enough show or concert. Why I said like that? Yup, they made up their own story and more like comedy drama. I myself was not interested enough with something like that. Kindaaa boring show for me!

But then, the longer I enjoyed the drama, the more I was entertained. Though, their story was  basic and familiar but they could make it be more attractive. So does the Pitch Choir performance. The more they performed, the more I enjoyed. The best performance of Pitch Choir for me was when they sang "Bunga Jeumpa". It's epic and I love it!

Not only Pitch Choir performance but there're also guest starts performance. They're Riska, the one who ever join X-Factor audition, and Yuni KDI. It made the concert be more interesting. Riska sang twice, one's featuring with Keyrisky and one's with herself. 

The concert ended half an hour to midnight. Ridel's family and I leaved the Phinisi Building after took a picture with Ridel and Keyrisky. I was at home at 00.00 (midnight), driven by them.

***That's All about Our Gathering***

What a long and great day!
Such a darn exhausting but interesting day.

Monday Special Gathering

Dear Mommy and all,
Thanks a lot for making my day be great,
Thanks a lot for the breakfasting meal,
Thanks a lot for the gathering,
Thanks a lot for the treat (ticket concert),
Thanks a lot for drive me home, 
And, thanks a lot for everything!

That's unforgettable moment!
See you again in the next gathering!


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