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Fun WeekEnd-Date in Phinisi Point Makassar

Lemmi share my fun weekend-date story!

By finishin’ my duty as lecturer delegate to attend an International Conference in Swiss-BelHotel, I headed out to Phinisi Point with three girls. I’d invited them to be my window-shoppin’ companion a night before.

Due to traffic jam, we took almost half-hour to get there in which only ‘bout 3 km. Plus, it’s truly sunny day. Can you imagine!

Fortunately, inside atmosphere of Phinisi Point as a lifestyle mall successfully change the mood. Feel cool immediately.

Then, we strolled around the entire available zone. Up and down through escalator. Window-shopped in some tenants. Took photos while we got gorgeous spot to be an amateur model, heh! And after watched dance performance, I felt tired and looked for an area to respite.


Somehow, delicious meal would be a must if we’re burnt out. And a bowl of dessert can be a truly choice to end a very tiring day. And SumoBoo is our choice.

Sumoboo – a dining area over at London Zone of Phinisi Point. It’s kind of a cheerful and fresh interior with wooden chairs for us to lounge in.

The girls ordered mango smoothies and chocolate __ (I forget the name). hahaha! I, myself, ordered a famous Kakigori KitKat with Chocolate Ice Cream and Almond.
Anyway, the prices are a lil steep for a student’s budget but the atmosphere’s really worth at least for a single visit. Taste-wise, I loved Kakigori, especially Chocolate Ice Cream, Milo dip of Ice Mountain and slice Almond. Chocolate is my favorite flavor. Despite the taste of the Ice Cream slowly lessened as Ice Mountain got molten, overall, it still tasted pretty good.

Yeah…it isn’t so much a treat for your wallets, but definitely a great place for an afternoon respite.

For all Boo lovers, just visit and grab some other cute desserts to freshen your mood. For me, it’s kind of a  mood Boo!ster in a exhausting feeling of a truly sunny day.


That's all 'bout our week-end-date story!
Feel free to enjoy read to have the same feelin' with us...ok!

* The girls are my Ss to act as my sisters or friends in another occasions.
* A bunch of thanks to y' all, guyz!
* See yaa in another fun days :)


  1. wahhh keren blognya in englishh ..

    1. Hehehe....makasih k qiah utk apresiasinya :*
      Blog k Qiah mah lbh kereennnn ahhh....
      Ni bru mncul lg d blog k ;)


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