Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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An Amazing Moment with Teteh @LaudyaCynthiaBella |
Hi everybody....!!!
Happy saturday and happy weekend, dears ❤
Well, I'm comin' again with new story, #StoryofAugust
In August 11th, 2015,
I went to campus at 11 a.m. It's earlier than what I've planned before. Actually, I've planned to go to campus after Dhuhur prayer with Yuzi but Saree asked me to go earlier because she needed me to accompany her to go to a place.
About 45 minutes, I arrived in campus. I met with Jamiah at Lobby of AD Building. She said that she have taken "The Graduation Invitation". Then, she asked me to go to take mine also. Gather with her, I came to K' Fia's room and asked "The Graduation Invitation". After takin' mine, we went out and sat down in front of AD Building while waitin' for Saree. About 20 minutes, Saree arrived in campus but she couldn't take hers because she arrived when the office were break. We decided to go out first and take it later.
Jamiah went back home to picked-up her mother went to SMAN 11 Makassar. Saree accompanied me to Pak Beni's House to checked my thesis. After consulted, we went to Phinisi Building. Saree have an appointment with her aunt who worked in Phinisi. After that, we went to Restaurant "Ayam Penyet Ria" to reserved for Syukuran Wisuda. But, before reserved, we asked some questions first. After gettin' some information, we back (still didn't make reservation). On the way back to campus, we dropped by to drink "Es Teler Tanah Abang" around Goro. We're so thirsty. Before back to campus, we LINE Yuzi to asked where her position exactly. She said that she was on the way.
Well, after drinkin' out our "Es Teler", we back to campus. We directly asked "The Graduation Invitation" in K' Fia's Room. After that, we informed our position to Yuzi and asked her position too via LINE. She said that she's in Lobby of AD. Then, we met. She sat down in Lobby with K' Erwin. We talked many things there, such as Graduation Rehearsal, Lecturing, etc. K' Erwin also informed us that Laudya Cynthia Bella and Fedi Nuril in Makassar for Movie Promotion again. He invited me to go to Mall Panakukang if we wanted to meet with both of 'hem. He said that we could take pic with them because he have friend who works in XXI. But he said that we should go to attended Graduation Rehearsal first and went to Mall Panakukang after that. He would meet with us there.
Then, we went to Phinisi Building to attended Graduation Rehearsal. At 5 p.m., we left Phinisi and went to Mall Panakukang. We arrived there around a quarter before 6 p.m. K' Erwin still in campus. So, we hang around first. We went to KFC to have some meal and drink but there's no menu that we want. As solution, we went to Dunkin Donuts. We have some meal and drink there for several minutes. At 7 p.m. we went to XXI but dropped by for a moment in toilet.
When we arrived in XXI, K' Erwin still didn't come yet. He came five minutes later. We sat down in XXI while waitin' for information about Bella and Fedi's Position. Several minutes later, Pak Bakhtiar (K' Erwin's Friend) said that they'd come to XXI but too crowded. It's too hard for the security to bring them from Studio 21 to XXI. He asked us to follow them till Studio 21. Then, we went to Studio 21 with them. And, you know....when we arrived in Studio 21, there're so many people. The AC didn't work again because of the crowded condition. We just stood in front of Studio 21 exit door. It's too hot to be there so we decided to back to XXI again.
We came in to XXI again through entry door. We went and sat down in front of the evacuation door, the place where there's no people except the employee of XXI. As K' Erwin statement, after waitin' for several minutes, some securities came in and followed by Fedi Nuril, Laudya Cynthia Bella, Mulani Sanjay and some Event Organizers. We followed them until arrived in an unknown room for me. We came through one of dark studio and arrived in one room, looks like "An Emergency Room".
You know....I was so happy to be there. We're in one room with an actor "Fedi Nuril", an actress "Laudya Cynthia Bella", the director "Mulani Sanjay", the Event Organizers and some securities. Oh GOD,,,,to be there feels like dreaming. I never dream to meet and greet an actor and actress like that. We could saw, met and greeted them LIVE without crowded people.
After waiting about 10 minutes, K' Erwin asked permit to take pic with Bella and Fedi. They allowed us but before takin' pic, one of them asked us, who we are actually. What's the name of our club. Hahahaha....that's unpredictable question, you know! We just smile and couldn't answer his question. That's funny, rite??? Yeah,,,because we're not from a club or fans club. We're just graduate students of UNM and came to take a pic with them. Hehehe...but, it's Okay for them. We could take pic even we're not from their fans-club.
Alhamdulillah....with K' Erwin's help, we could take pic together with Fedi Nuril and Laudya Cynthia Bella. Even, we could take selfie with both. They're so friendly, guys!!!
Thanks GOD,,,,Thanks K' Erwin,,,,!!!!
It's really really really an amazing moment....moment to remember of the year!!!
Meet and Greet with an handsome actor (Fedi Nuril) and a beautiful actress (Laudya Cynthia Bella) is never set up in my mind. Yeah, both of them are my favorite actor and actress. They're my idol but I thought that it's impossible for me to meet and greet.
Eitzzz,,,,wait, guysss!!!
What's on your mind was not always the right thing
Sometimes GOD has different plan for us
And, this is it!!!
This moment showed something different.
Through this moment, I should believe that
"There's nothing impossible in this world. Everything is possible!"
Once again, I'd say:
Thanks GOD for this happiness
This's really a surprise day for me
Kindaaaa an earlier Magister Graduation and Birthday Present
And, the following were our picture with Tetah @LaudyaCynthiaBella and Mas @FediNuril:
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Saree_Msryanaa_Bella_Yuzi |
- The pink girl is Andi Patmasari a.k.a +Saree Patmasari
- The yellow girl is Agussatriana a.k.a @msryanaa (Me)
- The grey girl is Laudya Cynthia Bella a.k.a Mba' Citra Arini @Bellaudyaa
- The brown girl is Yusniati a.k.a +Yuzi Nyha
- The man is Fedi Nuril a.k.a @realfedinuril
That's all about My Happiness with My Besties
Together with
The Main Actor and Actress of Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan Movie
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