Hi and hellooo everybody...:)
It's been a long time, how's life guyssss???
Another post on the blog after more than half year since the latest feed. Finally, I'm here, so excited to be back. If you're wondering what happened to me or this blog? Why there's no blogpost for long time? Thank You, guyz!!! :)
I'm great n' everything's fine. Nothin' wrong thing happened but life just get busier with one big n' last project of my study. And, I'm enjoyin' it!
In this post, I'll tell lil bit about my activity since seven months lately...hehe
In January,,,Mid of January is d' first time, I took consultation to my supervisors. After takin' 2 weeks consultation in twice meetin', I got ACC from both my supervisors. In February,,,In the beginning of February, exactly on Feb 5th, 2015, I was schedule to present my Research Proposal in front of my supervisors and my examiners. Alhamdulillah, it well done with A- score!
In March-April,,,after took long time revision time, I got my revision ACC n' start my research in the beginning of March. I was conductin' my research in SMAN 1 Watansoppeng. Since there, I lived in my bestfriend's house @AndiPatmasari. Because of some activity of d' school, I just finished my research at the end of April.
In May,,,After finishin' collecting data, I came to the next step, analyzing data. As the previous step, it also took long time to finish it. Together with +Yuzi Nyha and +Rezky Uspayanti , we're stayin' up, sharin' and discussin' everything about the educational research. I spent some of days and nights in +Yuzi Nyha's home. Alhamdulillah, we finished our analyzing data process and ready to consult at the end of June.
In June,,,I took research consultation in the beginning of June and get ACC from both my supervisors on June 8th, 2015. I did my Research Result Seminar in Ramadhan month (25/6), two weeks after gettin' the invitation. But, it's ok because it well done with A score.
In July,,,After doin' research result seminar, I did some revision again and it took several days. I got my Thesis Examination Invitation on July 6th, 2015. After waitin' almost three weeks, Thesis Defense Day was comin' on July 27th, 2015. Again and again, I should say "Alhamdulillah". It well done with Great result.
I'm OFFICIALLY Magister Pendidikan on July 27th, 2015 @ 17.45 p.m.
With Prof. Dr. Jasruddin, M.Si. as the Director of Graduate Program, State University of Makassar |
Yesterday still feels like a dream. My adventure is not yet finished but I've survived the deadliest part. I'm lucky to be part of a community that is continuously learning. Thank you for all those who have been patient with me and for all the support I had and will always have :)
It's my turn to thank to all of them!
First, biggest gratitude to GOD and my beloved parents who always pray, educate, encourage and provide countless material support for me.
Second, special thanks to my supervisors, Prof. Dr. Arifuddin Hamra, M.S.Ed and Prof. Hj. Murni Mahmud, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D who always give support and guidance, suggestions and corrections to finish the thesis. Also, Huge thanks to my examiners, Prof. Dr. H. Haryanto, M.Pd and Dr. A. Tenri Ampa, M.Hum for the suggestions and corrections in writing the thesis.
Third, thanks to +Saree Patmasari who always help me till now and for d' next..hehehe! She and her family are the kind-hearted family who invite and let me to stay in their home during conducting my research. I donno how to thank to their kindness. Wish GOD bless all their kindness and humbleness. Aaameeennnn!!!!
With Andi Patmasari a.k.a +Saree Patmasari |
With Yusniati a.k.a +Yuzi Nyha |
With Reski Yusrini Islamiah Yunus |
Now, I can say that all those tears, ups and downs, countless "I GIVE UP" and sleepless days and nights have already paid off. Thanks my dearest and loveliest sisters for your help, your comin', your gift and surprise and for everything...Love You All!!!!
Get "White-Rose Flower" as Thesis Defense Gift from Saree and Yuzi :) |
Happiness after Defense My Thesis |
Reski Uspayanti, Agussatriana, Yusniati & Andi Patmasari |
That's all about my story since several months lately. Thanks for the A'13 Team and all of my friends who unwritten in this post. Don't forget, Keep Spirit and Say No to Procrastination, Guys!
Thank You for givin' your time to share Happiness with me.
Congratulation mbakk.. Keren magister pendidikan :)
BalasHapusCongratulation mbakk.. Keren magister pendidikan :)
BalasHapusThanks sizta zilqiah ats ucapan slamatx,,,syukur walhamdulillah :)