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Café Tales: Ultimate Bliss Shine from Destiny Cafe & Pattiserie

Dear Blue-Lover,
This post is for you!

Well, on my sister birthday, I intended to go out with my cousin. It's May 16, 2017. Except as an excuse for us to go buy birthday cake, we'd planned to visit a place that had been attracted our heart. 

Yeah, that's Destiny Cafe & Pattiserie - a blue and white cafe design. And, we're blue-lover!
In sunny midday, it's really right time to taste something sweet for me who hadn't havin' dessert in a long lime. Can you imagine a girl who is cravin' for something sweet and directly pop-up in front of her eyes? That's me that time, hehe!
I'll admit, a soft spot for vanilla ice cream and the generous dollop of various ice cream flavor was an instant temptation. That delightful dish comprises of fluffy pancakes and a scoop of amazing ice cream.  

After enjoyin' our dishes, we didn't directly take leave, but rather stayed takin' some photos. That's my customary thing while doin' wander.
Trust me, it'll be really a worth visit for every girl who loves flaccidity!


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Hi and hellooo everybody...:) It's been a long time, how's life guyssss??? Another post on the blog after more than half year since the latest feed. Finally, I'm here, so excited to be back. If you're wondering what happened to me or this blog? Why there's no blogpost for long time? Thank You, guyz!!! :) I'm great n' everything's fine. Nothin' wrong thing happened but life just get busier with one big  n' last project of my study. And, I'm enjoyin' it!