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Café Tales: Arini's Birthday Gathering in Bangi Kopi Paramount

Cheers to Wednesday....!

It's a beautiful sunny day which I find lately. I've nothing to do (actually there're but lazy to deal with those things), so I start to open my blog. By getting a comment from one of the smart girl I've taught, I have my courage to start writing again.

Honestly, I feel overwhelmed and nervous. It's been a long time, many things to say. Many moments to share. And, I don't know where should I start. You know, feels like almost forget how to tell things. 

Actually, it's nice to be back (in writing habit). Admittedly, you guys, the blogwalkers are my spirit. Thanks for the appreciation!

And, here I am.....

Due to many things to share, I post it randomly. Especially, for yesterday's moment. I can't keep it any longer.

On August 1, I had such an amazing day with girls. I got an invitation to go out from Arini. She asked whether I choose havin' main course or dessert. Then, I said, "Better havin' brunch" (dessert). After fixin' up the appointment, I prepared and waited for them to fetch me. And, around 11 am, we're headin' Landak St. Without comment, I just bein' a follower. hehehe!

We arrived in d' place at midday. We strolled around the tenants. Unfortunately, I found nothing as my wish. Don't know them, but by lookin' my blue-face, they stopped choosin' menu and thought another place to go. Then, I asked them how bout goin' to Bangi Kopi Paramount. That sounds unfamiliar for them and asked where was it. So, they did online search via IG.

They agree and we move.

About 15 minutes, we're in Paramount Hospital. By comin' through main door, we're directly
havin' a glimpse of Bangi Kopi Paramount. 
At the first outlook, I've got to say, this place is incredibly gorgeous and comfortable in the day. That's my first visit, so they were. It looks so cozy to respite after havin' long drive under freakin' sunny day. 
We came and chose to sat upstairs. At the time round, we're the first few customers for the day. Feels like the whole place belong to ourselves. The bright sunshine streaming in from the windows and the clear glass doors also made it more better. Of course, it'll make our photos look pretty terrible then. 
In terms of interior furnishings, this place definitely stole my heart. Wooden furniture with white glass walls and floor, also ceiling make it fancier.
Without waitin' long time, the waitress came in and have our orders . As a fan of ice cream, of course, my choice came to it in mix flavor. Beyond my expectations, the girls chose to be my followers (order ice cream, but in choco flavor) hehehhe!
By finishing up our order, we did our routine cafe-wander. Takin' some memories (photos) to be took a look in the future.
Menu-wise, I have to admit that I wasn't really impressed. The prices were somewhat steep for Ss. Well, my order tastes just as good at other places for a fraction of the price. Yes, the ice cream was pretty good but it wasn't exactly mind-blowing, you know? Overall I would think of this as a place that you should visit once, but for myself, I perhaps think over. 

Anyway, yesterday's moment was such a birthday gatherin'. We're all in treat by Arini. Thnx dear, for havin' me in your birthday moment. Hope that will be an unforgettable for us....Aaameeennn!

Almost forget!
I've one en' important thing to say,

Happy Birthday
Arini Nur Wijayanti R.

May all you wishes come true!


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