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Bits and Pieces of My Life: Hustle Culture and Multitasking

Have you ever heard about hustle culture and multitasking? Hustle culture is a person mentality who thinks work as everything above all. For them, work all day long every day is a must, for the sake of professionality. Until some of them end with burnout - exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration of work. Sometimes, they are also multitasking - the ability to do multiple tasks at one time. Why do I talk 'bout this?   Hmm...I'm going to share about my activity recently ( in the last three months ).  After re-reading my daily journal, I realize that the rhythm of my life is in contrary with my principle, which is slow living. What I do recently, shows that I'm in hustle culture and a multitasking woman as well. My weekend is always full of workshops or meetings, from one place to another, even from one hotel to a...
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Ketika Dosen Profesional Lulus Seleksi CPNS

Akhir-akhir ini, segenap dosen yang telah tersertifikasi dihebohkan dengan urusan BKD SISTER. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh isu tidak dibayarkannya tunjangan sertifikasi bagi dosen telah mengantongi sertifikat pendidik namun laporan kinerjanya tidak memenuhi peraturan perundang-undangan. Terlebih lagi, sejak keluarnya PO BKD 2021, terdapat kewajiban khusus untuk semua jenis jabatan fungsional. Sebelumnya kewajiban khusus hanya untuk dosen dengan jabatan fungsional Guru Besar (GB), namun kini kewajiban khusus juga diperuntukkan bagi dosen dengan jabatan fungsional Asisten Ahli (AA), Lektor (L), dan Lektor Kepala (LK). Sebagian besar dosen bermasalah dalam memenuhi kewajiban khusus tersebut karena ada beberapa dosen yang tidak memiliki publikasi dalam tiga tahun terakhir, khususnya yang Lektor Kepala. Punya sertifikat pendidik tapi tidak mendapatkan tunjangan sertifikasi. What do you think? Well , kali ini saya tidak ingin bercerita tentang BKD, melainkan tentang bagaimana nasib dosen yan...

Being a Civil Servant Officially

Penerimaan SK PNS Pegawai Negeri Sipil atau PNS di keluarga saya merupakan impian yang sangat didambakan, bisa dikatakan cita-cita dari sejak duduk di bangku sekolah. Alasan utamanya ya mungkin karena orang tua berprofesi sebagai PNS. Meskipun pada dasarnya mereka tidak pernah juga memaksakan kehendaknya pada saya ataupun adik-adik saya. Terlebih sekarang ini, PNS bukan lagi cita-cita kekinian. Ada banyak jenis pekerjaan dengan penghasilan yang jauh lebih menjanjikan. Alhamdulillah , setelah mengenyam pendidikan hingga di tingkat pendidikan tinggi, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sharing apa yang telah saya dapatkan selama ± 3 tahun pada salah satu PTS di kota Makassar, akhirnya saya pun lulus seleksi dan menerima SK CPNS pada Juni 2019. Eits, jangan salah sangka dulu, saya tidak lulus dalam satu kali daftar. Jalan yang saya lalui tidaklah semudah itu. Cerita terkait perjuangan saya untuk bisa lulus seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) bisa Anda baca selengkapnya di sini . Sesua...

Spend Weekend in Sunset Rumah 40 Villa & Resto, Boneoge

Midday View of Sunset Rumah 40 Villa & Resto, Boneoge - Donggala Time flies so fast. I’ve been staying here for more than 2 years. Yeah, I’m not the local here. I come and stay here for work. If you ask me, “What do you do for a living?”, the answer is “I’m in teaching.” Being a practioner in Education like lecturer, I’m full of works. Many others think that lecturer will be on holiday on the semester break, but FYI it’s not happened on the reality. Semester break is only for students, not lecturers. Final test correction, BKD report, lesson plan, and research proposal are to do lists of lecturers in January. To deal with those activities, of course, I have to be smart in time management. So, I can do relaxation at the end of the month, before coming to the next semester. Unexpectedly, Anna Rufaida, my friend in Tadulako University who works as an operator staff in Language and Art Education Department, invited me to join in her travel plan to Boneoge, Donggala. After knowing whoev...

Story of Being a Certified Lecturer (SERDOS)

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Thanks God It’s Friday. Well… In this post, I’d like to share my very delightful feeling. It’s ‘bout Certified Lecturer which known as SERDOS. Step by step of the process I had got trough. Starting from getting Jafung ( Jabatan Fungsional ), waiting for Inpassing release, till seeing my name on the list of D4 in which I could participate in the first session of SERDOS ( Sertifikasi Dosen ) 2018. And, the most important thing to be done before filling perceptional data, we had to have certificate in English Proficiency (TOEP) and Basic Competence (TKDA HIMPSI) by PLTI ( Pusat Layanan Tes Indonesia ). All praises due to Allah, I did it well enough in spite of nothing much preparation. I don’t have any intention to show off, just proud of myself. Hmm…sorry for my so full of myself hehe During D4 process, I was as participant of SERDOS had to fill in perceptional data. Besides, there’s also perceptional data that should be filled in by one...

Civil Servant Fighter: My Not So Own Day

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Starting this post, I’d like to say that: “ There’s a day which is not your own. But be tough and make yourself believe that you’re gonna be OK. Keep in your mind that your best day will come later at the end ." Well… It was on November 15 th , 2018. My not so own day. It’s the day where I had a test to be a civil servant. Actually, that’s the second of three tests which called as SKD ( Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar ). The first test was administration test ( Seleksi Administrasi ). SKD was given in the form of Computer Assisted Test (CAT). As its name, I used one computer by myself. Me myself already familiar with CAT.  ***FlashBack*** In 2014, I had joint civil servant test to be a junior high school English teacher. And, I failed at the second test, SKD. There’s only two applicant who’s gonna be accepted and I wasn’t the two of them. Even, my score was already passed the standard score but there’s still another who had higher th...

Wardah Days 2018 "An Inspiring Beauty Discovery"

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. And,,,Hello, guysss! Hmmm…What should I say or write firstly anyway? This is the effect of long time no writing and sharing. It’s just like after long time no see, you’d have no idea how to initiate a conversation. Ehem! Last post is in several months ago. Uhhh…What an unproductive blogger I am! Eitz...Am I still deserved to be called as a blogger?  Hope so! Well, What ever your opinion, now, I’ll come back with a new post. With a light topic actually for sure. At the end of November, I joined one of Wardah event that hold at Panakukang Mall. It’s Wardah Days 2018 “An Inspiring Beauty Discovery” to experience the inspiring beauty journey with Wardah. Actually, it’s hold to launch the new series of Wardah, “INSTAPERFECT”. For some of you who knows me well, it sounds “Not so mee!” Yeah….it’s a rare thing for me to do. I’m not the one who like to do make up. Neither, a beautiful girl who loves doing make up thing. But...