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Spend Weekend in Sunset Rumah 40 Villa & Resto, Boneoge

Midday View of Sunset Rumah 40 Villa & Resto, Boneoge - Donggala

Time flies so fast. I’ve been staying here for more than 2 years. Yeah, I’m not the local here. I come and stay here for work. If you ask me, “What do you do for a living?”, the answer is “I’m in teaching.”

Being a practioner in Education like lecturer, I’m full of works. Many others think that lecturer will be on holiday on the semester break, but FYI it’s not happened on the reality. Semester break is only for students, not lecturers.

Final test correction, BKD report, lesson plan, and research proposal are to do lists of lecturers in January. To deal with those activities, of course, I have to be smart in time management. So, I can do relaxation at the end of the month, before coming to the next semester.

Unexpectedly, Anna Rufaida, my friend in Tadulako University who works as an operator staff in Language and Art Education Department, invited me to join in her travel plan to Boneoge, Donggala. After knowing whoever will be in that travel plan, I say, “Okay, count me in.”

In the early morning of January 22nd, 2022, I packed anything that needed to be brought like clothes, skincare, and toiletries. At 8 am, Anna came from Toaya and informed the others to picked us up at my board. We’re excited to have a short vacation. Unfortunately, K’ Rahyuni couldn’t join us as our plan because she felt not well enough in that morning. So, she decided to go back to Toaya. Several minutes later after K’ Rahyuni left, Ani also came to my board. While waitin’ to be picked up, we took some pictures.

Ani, Ana, and Me @ My Board

After waitin' for long time, two other lecturers who join the trip, arrived at my board around 09:30 a.m. Along way, we dropped by in ATM and phone accessories store until we met wit Maman and Alwiyah who went by motorcycle in SwissBell-Hotel. Actually, Ana intended to give a document to Ma'am Doratunnisa who had an event in that hotel. 

Our next stop was Alfamidi minimart near SwissBell-Hotel for doing groceries. Each of us bought anything we might need for two days in Villa. Then, we continued our trip and dropped by in Sop Ubi food stall to have a lunch together. We also waitin' for the other travel mates who went by motorcycles, they're Karim, Ayu, Roby, and Kaifal. 

At Dzuhur time, we headed to Boneoge together and arrived there around 1 p.m. and directly checked in. The girls got the VIP Room and the boys got 2 Standard Room. Here's the VIP room-tour.

After that, we're havin' fun by doing karaoke in the room and eatin' some snacks. In the afternoon, we're enjoying sunset and taking some pictures. Here's the sunset view from balcony.

Sunset View from VIP Room Balcony

At night, we did Magrib prayer in the room and the boys went back to his own room. After that, we strolled around the villa and had dinner together by the swimming pool

After Havin' Dinner by the Swimming Pool

Then, we went back to our room and did Isya prayer. At 9 p.m., Ana, Ani, Ayu, & Alwiyah prepared to go swimming. Some of the boys also did the same thing. They did many things in the swimming pool like taking pictures, recording videos, and playing mini games. Those activities were documented by Zaky. While they're having fun in the swimming pool, I was sitting by the swimming pool table with Roby and Karim, watching them. We went back to our room around 11 p.m. Before going bed, of course we did our night routine first. We went bed at midnight. 

***Next Day***

I woke up at 5 a.m. to do Subuh prayer. After that, I went back to bed again because it’s still too early and cold. Around 6:30 in the morning, the smells of instant noodle filled my nostrils. Yeah…Ani felt hungry and cooked instant noodle.

As usual, before getting’ up, I rolled out on bed while checked my smartphone. After enjoying their noodle, Ayu wanted to do karaoke. When Ana and Ayu singin’ a song, someone knocked the door and asked what kinds of drink we want for our breakfast, coffee or tea.

A few moments later, the room service brought our breakfast one by one. Then, Ana, Alwiyah, and me had breakfast. After that, they went to swimming again with the boys. It’s only me who stayed in the room and had shower.  

They came back to the room around 10 a.m. and had shower alternately. When all of us got ready, we packed and prepared to check out. We made sure nothing left. Then, we brought our bags and the other stuffs into the car. The last, we took our last pics and videos helped by one of the villa’s employee.

Our NOT so proper pic Hahaha!
On our way back to Palu, we dropped by in Tanjung Karang beach. Actually, we only planned to take a short video, but we decided to do Boat Touring around the beach. We took the video after finishing boat touring, then left the beach.

We’re leaving the Tanjung Karang beach around lunch time, so we agreed to have a lunch together in the city centre of Donggala. It’s one of food stall by the beach with fish as its special menu. After that, we headed back to Palu and arrived at my board at 3 pm.

After having Lunch by the Beach in the City Centre of Donggala

Well… That’s all the story of our short weekend getaway!

Thanks to you, Anna and the gank fo' inviting me to join in your travel. Can't wait for the next, hehehe!


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