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Hustle culture is a person mentality who thinks work as everything above all. For them, work all day long every day is a must, for the sake of professionality. Until some of them end with burnout - exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration of work. Sometimes, they are also multitasking - the ability to do multiple tasks at one time.
Why do I talk 'bout this?
Hmm...I'm going to share about my activity recently (in the last three months).
After re-reading my daily journal, I realize that the rhythm of my life is in contrary with my principle, which is slow living. What I do recently, shows that I'm in hustle culture and a multitasking woman as well. My weekend is always full of workshops or meetings, from one place to another, even from one hotel to another. That's why, some of my friends or colleagues commented by saying:
"Your schedule is really full."
"Oh my... It's weekend, have a rest!"
"When there's a photo shared in WhatsApp Group, there must be Ma'am Agus in it."
When there's an invitation come, I also often said, "I was sorry I couldn't. I was still in class. After that, I'd be in students' thesis examination while controlling Zoom or Google Meet for PPG class."
That's the fact. Hopefully, there's nobody think about income, here. Why? I'm a civil servant and ready to give contribution for my country.
Yeah...Those continual activities are mostly as a dedication. As a civil servant, it's my job desc. So, let's enjoy it and think about the impact instead of money. Whatever the result will be at the end, the process is much more important for me. Whatever or how much I'll get by doing those activities, the lesson learned, or message is more valuable.
What are those activities?
- Supervisor of students’ final project (thesis)
Being a supervisor for last year students is actually one of lecturer jobs. Either for our own supervising students or not, we need to be responsible. As a supervisor, we need to guide them in completing their thesis. Actually, it’s not a difficult thing to do, but still there will be challenges or problems faced. It’s due to internal factor – like the absorption and intelligence level of the students – and external factor, like economical background, lifestyle, and so on. Some of them are easy to be guided, but some others are not. For the students who have high level of absorption and intelligence, they can finish their study in short time. In contrary, for the students who have low level of absorption dan intelligence, they may spend over a year to finish their thesis.
- Examiner/reviewer/secretary in students’ seminar or thesis examination
Not only as supervisor, but also as reviewer/examiner/secretary in students’ seminar and/or thesis examination. Since 2022, I had been scheduled for some students’ seminar as reviewer/examiner and recently as a secretary.
- PIC of quality control circle
As a person in charge of study program quality control circle, I had to
join almost each of quality control unit events like workshop or other
meetings. Besides, I also need to write some reports.
It’s kind of cycle activities. The quality control unit prepares the instrument to be discussed in the workshop. After that, the instrument will be validated by senate before used by all of study programs in the faculty of teacher training and education. The data gather from instrument will be analyzed and reported by the PIC of study program quality control circle. We control teaching, research, and community service activities (Tri Dharma PT).
- Member of educational research and microteaching lab
Around March 2022, I got the rector decree that I became a part of educational research and microteaching laboratory of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. It’s a new responsibility. That’s true. As member, we’re required to do some programs or events. We started doing the events at the end of June, two events. In August, we also had done two workshops. Actually, we’re divided into some divisions, but we worked together in each event done by our lab. That’s why we need to join all events.
- Admin LMS of PPG Daljab 1st category
I had known that being PPG admin will make me be a super-busy person.
When I heard that PPG team still needed admin, of course, I had no intention to
register. Long short story, I was called due to other friend recommendation. I
contemplated at first because I had registered for lecturer apprenticeship, but
then I said "Okay" and registered with a thought, “It’s a new
challenge and experience, why not?”
Besides, I also needed a gateway from a bad memory at the time. I must
forget something.
That's right! It’s really challenging. At the beginning, I did it very
well, no problem at all, I even enjoyed it. Day by day, the activity became
more complex and needed an extra control from admin for sure. It made me a
multi-tasking person. I controlled synchronous and asynchronous activity while
doing my other responsibilities as a lecturer like teaching for short
semester, being a reviewer/examiner/secretary in students’ seminar/thesis
examination, or being an attendee in workshops, trainings, or other events.
At the end.... Due to those hectic days, I have no time to think other bad things.
- Judge of speech contest
In the first week of August, I was asked to be a judge in a speech contest hold by students' association. After checking my schedule and no problem, I said yes. I did it with both my colleagues, ma’am kia and ma’am Fira. Luckily, it’s done in two days only. Being a judge for high-school competition brought us to meet new people, high-school students dan their teachers. It’s great moment.
- Speaker of university orientation day
On August 2nd, I was given a chance
to fill the invitation link for being a speaker of university orientation day.
Again, it’s new opportunity for me, so I registered. In the first weekend of
August (7th-8th), we attended training of trainer (TOT)
for being a speaker. We got some materials. While getting materials, I also
controlled Google Meet for PPG class. It’s quite tiring but well done, without
absence. I even moved on to another event in Swiss-belHotel after it’s
What a productive day, all day is weekdays, no weekend at all.
- Committee of events
In this year, I realized that I was involved in some committees. Not only being committee of study program events, but also in department and even faculty events. To be a responsible person, I must join some meetings and did many things. Sometime, the meeting was done at the same time that made me moved on from one meeting to another. It’s not an easy thing to be done especially for me who didn’t have driving skill.
Well… By doing those kinds of activities, what can be learned?
First, having many things to do every day makes me realize that time management is really important. I aware that I haven't managed my time well enough. So, there are some activities that can't be done perfectly. Though, I've tried my best.
Second, it's okay to be a multitasker, but remember that life must be balanced. So, make sure to have your own time as an individual and a social human as well. As an individual human, don't forget to rest your body, mind, and soul in a peaceful place. For me, being alone at my own board, doing my hobbies while enjoying my favourite meal and drink, it's really more than enough for recharging myself. As social human, I keep in touch with my family by doing v-call. Here, I often hang out with my co-workers - academic staffs or young lecturers at campus.
Third, I do enjoy hustle culture,
but I also realize that I have my own limit. Even though I'm a perfectionist
woman, I can't make everything is perfectly done. As human, I may do
The last, everything happens and comes for a reason. I believe that those kinds of activities come to me for making me in a better version of me. Instead of thinking the bad side happened, I usually try to find a meaningful lesson of them. So, there will be no regret at the end.
That's all the bits and pieces of my life.
"For everything you've done, don't forget to appreciate yourself!"
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