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Café Tales: Comforting Solace in Red Corner

Hello guys!
Long time no see, what's life?
Wish y' all great....

Since the beginning of the last semester, I've been kinda workaholic girl. Threre're so many jobs that I'm in charge in at campus except lecturing, such as being a supervisor in Field Experience Program, a speaker in Pesantren Arbain and students organization, a committee of final test and so on.

Even now, Sunday feels like Monday for me. 

That's why,
Dealin' with this freakin' busy life, I need a healer. And, the best one is cafe hopping. 

Well, since the city I live in has so many cafes, I do adore cafe hopping. I definitely can’t wait the moment to popping into a café if I see d’ new one is opening. There're still many great one out there I've not visited yet. After doin’ quick surf on the net during break time in my weekday, I’ve got some on my mind to pop in. So without twice think, I directly decided to head to the bright one, “Red Corner Cafe.”

Although I wanted to spend my solitude time, I still needed a mate at least a girl who probably liked café hopping as me. Without overthinkin’, I just invited one of my st. whom I chit-chated ‘bout coming soon roadshow event. By the chance, she’s also doing nothing at her home.

For a short while, here we were!
Red Corner is an Indonesian theme café which located in the corner of street in Yusuf Daeng Ngawing, next to Futsal Court Goro. It’s within walkin’ distance from Pemda Residence.

While waiting fo’ waiter to have our order, we sat on sofa, hugged the cushion and admired the décor. We feel like so Indonesian with red-and-white dominated color view.

To cure my cravin’ for dessert, I opted waffle ice corner with chocolate ice cream. Actually, there’re some varieties of dishes to be chosen. But, I absolutely can’t have it on my own. Arini, herself, only chose milkshake.

In a moment, our orders were served. Even though the waiter made a lil mistake by servin’ me waffle with different ice cream, we kept enjoy the dish. It turned out to be as sweet as it’s pretty.

We killed the time there while surf on the net mostly. I checked my instagram, scrolled pinterest timeline, read whatsapp group, and watched youtube. But, the unforgettable one to be done was havin’ snapshots as many as we can. Hehehe!

That’s really a comforting solace.

By late afternoon, we were headin’ out there. And, before comin’ home, I asked Arini to drop by in Makassar Oishi. It’s already a long time ago I wanna try that cake.  
I’m not so sure when the next café hopping will come. I really can’t wait to have another so carefree weekoff.

See y’ again, guyssss…!


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