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Happiness of March


It has been a year, I've been a lecturer at one of the university in Makassar. I've experienced many things 'bout lecturer life, especially as YOUNG lecturer. Being a lecturer is different with being a teacher. As a lecturer, we have to not only teach, but also conduct a research and do public service.There are also other activities such as regular meeting, general lecture, seminar, etc. And, we're expected to attend or being a participant of the events.

For every week, I come to campus twice a week, mostly. But, for those two days, I usually stay all day long at campus. At campus, there's a room for us as a lecturer, so I can use it as break-time spot. I don't have to go anywhere, anymore. In sum, lecturer life is not as busy as other professions.

So far, I enjoy the profession.

There's only one thing that I always feel sorry about. It concern with "money".

Honestly, everytime I'm asked about 'how much salary I get fo' being a lecturer'. I can't answer it directly. Why??? Because it's something that I never imagine and can't state. Not also about "How Much?", but also about "How Often?"

That's the problem! My problem,,,,exactly!

When it cross in my mind, sometimes I feel sad, shy and vain. Seems like I'm just an unemployment and have no capability to this profession. But, later....I think, I have to be patient. Maybe It's still not the time fo' me to get it. Maybe I'm still expected to struggle more and more.

And, Alhamdulillah!

It's TRUE!

You'll get it in the best time.

And, this month is the time.

At March 10, 2017. I got the invitation to come to sign as Fixed-Lecturer four days later. I signed at March 14. In the early morning of the day, I dropped by to BSM to make a new Bank Account as payment account. Next, it's collected in the university treasurer. 

After waitin' for about two weeks, we're at the end of the month. Unexpectedly, I got message notification from BSM Center that informed that I've got debit in my account. I saw it after one of my friends asked me to check my mobile phone. And, YES. I got it!



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Hi and hellooo everybody...:) It's been a long time, how's life guyssss??? Another post on the blog after more than half year since the latest feed. Finally, I'm here, so excited to be back. If you're wondering what happened to me or this blog? Why there's no blogpost for long time? Thank You, guyz!!! :) I'm great n' everything's fine. Nothin' wrong thing happened but life just get busier with one big  n' last project of my study. And, I'm enjoyin' it!