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What I Can Say For You, My Beloved Little Sister [Rina Delfianti]

Informasi Kesehatan Paru-Paru: PENYAKIT BRONKITIS: BRONKITIS DEFINISI Bronkitis (Bronchitis; Inflammation – bronchi) adalah suatu peradangan pada bronkus (saluran udara ke paru-paru...

When I heard that my amazingly kind-hearted fun little sister [RINA DELFIANTI] diagnosed infected "Bronchitis Symptom", immediately I feel really shock and worry about her. I never imagine that she will be like that. Lately, I always see her status update that she is sick but I think it's not in really bad. I think that it just exhausted effect because she is really busy with her activities either in campus or out of campus. I remember when she spent the night in my new house at NTI with Erviana and Resky Vatmala, I heard that she cough all night long. Now, I'm just realize why she like that. 

Rideelll, adekQ sayang,,,You know what???
I'm really sorry to heard that, dear. Only one hope for you, GET WELL as soon as possible, dear. I believe that you'll be back to your powerful and great condition soon. Aamiinnn Yaa Rabbal Aalamiinn. All of the things, either good or bad, comes from Allah Swt. So, be strong and fighting for your recovery, dear,,,Okay!!!!

I really still remember very well how's your respond when you heard that I'm in really worry condition as you are right now, how you threat me, and how's your deeply caring to me. Even, you'd cry if I don't care with myself,  you'd be angry if I don't drink my medicine, you always cheer me up every time, you never let me down and never let me give up on my disease and my life. Really grateful and thankful for all of that such a thing. :) :* <3

Now,,,as your sister who care and love you more, I also never let you down and let you give up. You have to be strong with it. You have to be well soon. There're so many things that you have to do for your bright future, dear. You still have a big dream that you have to reach. Remember that and you'll get your spirit then. My pray always be with you, dear. 

"Allah bersama orang-orang yang sabar dan tabah akan cobaan dan tidak ada cobaan yang diberikan melebihi kemampuan hamba-Nya. "
I'm sure that itsn't out of your capability. You can handle it all.
In Sha Allah

Love You as Always,


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Hi and hellooo everybody...:) It's been a long time, how's life guyssss??? Another post on the blog after more than half year since the latest feed. Finally, I'm here, so excited to be back. If you're wondering what happened to me or this blog? Why there's no blogpost for long time? Thank You, guyz!!! :) I'm great n' everything's fine. Nothin' wrong thing happened but life just get busier with one big  n' last project of my study. And, I'm enjoyin' it!