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Don’t be afraid of loosing someone you love
No eternal things in this world

Don’t be afraid of loosing something u love
 It would teach u to be more sincery

Don’t be so sad of being far from people that u love.
It would teach you to be more independent

Don’t be afraid of being alone
Because Allah always stay for you

Don’t be afraid of being leave
Because there would be another who come to complete your life

Don’t be so sad for unrealized things that you really hope
You may need to learn more and need a harder  struggle to make it true

Don’t be so sad for unrespect people around you
They may not intend to do it. You only need to see and learn about themselves

Don’t be so sad for things that u do not belong
You may need some things more important than it

Don’t be so sad for the bad things that happen to you.
Sometimes we need to have some bad experience to be a wise person in life

Don’t be so sad for unlucky life that u felt.
You only need a stronger fight to find your ideal life

All that you need is to have a positive thinking and good mindset in life. All that you need is to thanks God for uncountable needs that He had given to you. You need to know that you are really lucky.


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