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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2014

Happiness And Sadness Come In The Same Time

Ketika memasuki bulan desember, sering kali terdengar ungkapan dari sebagian besar orang, “Desember Ceria” atau “Lovely December”. Tentunya, ungkapan itu ada atas dasar fakta-fakta yang telah terjadi. Sejauh pengamatan saya, ungkapan itu ada benarnya. Selama ini, saya selalu melihat kebahagiaan memang selalu hadir di bulan terakhir dari penanggalan masehi ini. Dengan berbagai macam alasan, ada banyak tawa bahagia dan senyum suka cita di bulan Desember.

Mother's Day,,,, :*

22 th December 2014 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY My Beloved Mom Yesterday is Happiness Day Why??? Because It's "Mother's Day"   How happy I am for being with Mom in this month, in this moment Also, It's "Graduation Day" of My Beloved Brother How happy I am for having "Genius Sibling" like him Congratulation for you "lilbro" as the best graduated of pharmacist As your sister, I'll always proud of you  Be grateful for having "Family Gathering" Be Grateful with All This Happiness which Given to Me Thanks a Lot, GOD

Happy Ridel21thDay_19 12 2014

Today is my little sister's birthday, named Rina Delfianti a.k.a Ridhel . There truly aren’t enough words I could write into this birthday dedication post to give you an idea of what a beautiful person and friend she is to me! Dear Ridhel ,,, “Happy Birthday, dear!” As you know that I’m introvert one. For me, it's easier to say such things in writing than show in actions. So, this letter's gonna be full of advice and well wishes for you, dear.

Perhaps, I Expect Too Much

It feels all happened so fast .  We get acquainted and then suddenly felt a strange feeling . E very day is different and no longer feels the same . Y ou attend brought many changes in my days . Black and white becomes more colorful when your figure f ill the empty spaces in my heart . No ne ordinary conversation , as if it all feels so magical and extraordinary . I do not know , this feeling grows beyond the limit that I know . I became afraid of losing you . Torment come repeatedly when there is no news from you . You are like taking control of my mind and my heart. There is an understandable cause. It's different and difficult without your news . Breath will be choked if your figure is lost . Am I wrong if you always put ahead ?

It's Wrong,,,It Shouldn't

Several time ago, I thought that I was disappointed.  I was so sad. Why??? Don’t know why, it just comes up. When I heard that two of girls who I love so much, fight in words. Directly, sadness came to me. Even, they said that it’s not because of me, I still thought that it because of me. In that time, I really felt uncomfortable. I couldn’t say anything. Speechless!!! Even, I smile, it just what looks outside. Inside, in the bottom of my heart, I was so sad. Yeaahhh,,, they’ll never ever know that because I don’t even can say about my feeling.

Stress Teraphy in Soppeng

2011-2014: Happy Eid Mubarak

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh  Happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H, 2011 M

Attending Party with Them

In Several Party

Exploring Bulukumba, Bantaeng and Takalar

Kawasan Pantai Tempat Pembuatan Perahu Pinisi, Bulukumba Bira Beach, Bulukumba