Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Thanks God It’s Friday. Well… In this post, I’d like to share my very delightful feeling. It’s ‘bout Certified Lecturer which known as SERDOS. Step by step of the process I had got trough. Starting from getting Jafung ( Jabatan Fungsional ), waiting for Inpassing release, till seeing my name on the list of D4 in which I could participate in the first session of SERDOS ( Sertifikasi Dosen ) 2018. And, the most important thing to be done before filling perceptional data, we had to have certificate in English Proficiency (TOEP) and Basic Competence (TKDA HIMPSI) by PLTI ( Pusat Layanan Tes Indonesia ). All praises due to Allah, I did it well enough in spite of nothing much preparation. I don’t have any intention to show off, just proud of myself. Hmm…sorry for my so full of myself hehe During D4 process, I was as participant of SERDOS had to fill in perceptional data. Besides, there’s also perceptional data that should be filled in by one...